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The General Assembly of the United Nations approves the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Declaration seeks to ensure that all human beings should have the same rights and be treated with dignity...
In order to control the performance of companies in this context, the United Nations approved the Guiding Principles Framework on business and human rights eveloped by Professor John Ruggie.
The principles represent a map for action by both States and companies regarding the respect for human rights.
Aimed at States
Principles 11 through 24. Aimed at companies.
Principles 29 through 31. Aimed at States and companies.
Classification of human rights
First generation..
Civil and political rights
Second generation.
Economic, social and cultural rights
Third generation.
Solidarity rights
because when they carry out their operations, they can impact on all of human rights of all their Stakeholders …
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How do we incorporate human rights management into business practice?
With a continuous management process to comply with the responsibility of respecting human rights. This model must be based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which establish 3 specific steps:
The first step is to formalise our commitment to human rights, that is, to translate into an official document our commitment to all internationally recognised human rights.
With this public commitment we send all the Stakeholders a clear message that the company is striving to respect human rights.
More informationThe second step to implement the management model is to conduct a due diligence process, allowing the company to identify any impacts in order to prevent, mitigate and respond to the negative consequences of its activities on human rights.
More informationFinally, we must create effective and accessible grievance mechanisms at operational level, in order to provide solutions to those potentially affected by the activity of the company.
More information1
Public commitment
Human rights due diligence
Grievance mechanisms
There is unanimity that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and human rights are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.
The SDGs are a universal call for action to fend poverty, protect the planet and ensure everybody can enjoy peace and prosperity.
In addition, the SDGs can contribute substantially to the realisation of human rights because they are the basis for public and private investments to ensure their protection.
The SDGs are the action plan of the 2030 Agenda. Human rights are the goal.
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