A journey through human rights and your company

A journey through human rights and your company Page 19 | 24 Let us see now how Iberdrola has developed its due diligence in the purchasing process :  When hiring suppliers, Iberdrola carries out an evaluation in terms of ethics , compliance, respect for human rights, quality, environment and safety, and thus applies a differentiating criterion in the bidding process. The significant risks of violation of human rights are managed through the quality processes, procedures implemented and periodic audits carried out.  The hiring terms include specific clauses of corporate social responsibility of the supplier , based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN, the agreements of the International Labour Organisation and the principles of the Global Compact. In this way, suppliers are committed to these principles during the term of the contract.  Iberdrola reviews the level of compliance thereof and if irregularities are detected and the supplier does not adopt corrective plans, Iberdrola reserves the right to cancel the contracts.