A journey through human rights and your company

A journey through human rights and your company Page 18 | 24 4.2. HUMAN RIGHTS DUE DILIGENCE The second step to implement the management model is to conduct a due diligence process, allowing the company to identify any impacts in order to prevent, mitigate and respond to the negative consequences of its activities on human rights. Due diligence includes various steps : 1. The company must first, identify all its real and potential impacts on human rights , analysing whether there are impacts or risks of impacts in all its operations and in those that are directly related to its operations, products or services provided through its business relationships. 2. Once identified, the company must implement processes to prevent impacts or risks of impacts . For instance, if there are discriminatory practices identified in staff hiring, the HR Manager must receive training, or if there are health problems identified in consumers as a result of the company's products, the product manufacturing processes must be improved, in accordance with health and safety standards. 3. Once we have identified the impacts and defined the actions to prevent or mitigate them, in the event of them occurring, it is important to establish indicators to see our progress over time and communicate our performance to the Stakeholders .