A journey through human rights and your company

A journey through human rights and your company Page 17 | 24 In February 2015, as part of Iberdrola’s explicit commitment to the defence of human rights, the Board of Directors approved the Policy for respect of human rights, following the specific recommendations of the United Nations “Protect, Respect, Remedy” Framework and its Guiding Principles on Business Enterprises and human rights, as well as other international reference frameworks. And this policy reflects Iberdrola’s public commitment in the matter, based on dialogue with all Stakeholders: employees, suppliers, local communities, customers, shareholders ... It should be noted that Iberdrola has implemented a Relationship model with Stakeholders that enables distinctions between the different relationship levels in order to promote participation; identify relevant issues, with associated risks and opportunities; and establish action plans to respond to said issues. Likewise, Iberdrola has other tools also approved by the Board of Directors that are mandatory for all the Group companies and professionals, such as: The Code of Ethics that aims to serve as a guide for the actions of managers, professionals and suppliers of the Iberdrola group and reflects their commitment to the principles of business ethics and transparency in all areas of action. This code establishes a set of principles and behaviour guidelines, as well as disciplinary measures in case of non-compliance.